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Tango is a sensual ballroom dance that originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the early twentieth century. Tango is usually performed by a man and a woman, expressing an element of romance in their synchronized movements. Argentine Tango is well-suited to dancing in small settings. Argentine Tango retains the intimacy of the original dance.
Tango: Everything You Need To Know
What is Argentine Tango? Argentine Tango is an improvisational dance based on the four building blocks of walking, turning, stopping and embellishments. The dance is like a puzzle of two bodies and four feet. Each dance is entirely improvised, unique and gets put together differently each time you dance. No two couples dance the same way to any tango song. Women and men bring their own unique interpretation of the music and their own styles and embellishments to the dance which makes each dance an exciting and unpredictable experience. Even though dancers follow certain conventions, they never quite know how someone will construct a dance, add an embellishment or interpret the music. The surprises possible within the dance are what make the dance so addicting. It really does take two to tango, because the dance isn’t just about the man leading and the woman following. Both partners have important things to contribute—like all good conversations.
Tango Words
Abrazio: embrace, dance hold Lapiz: pencil
Adorno: embellishment Llevada: to lead, to carry
Amague: feint Media Vuelta: half turn
Arrastre: sweeping action Milonga: type of dance, place to dance
Barrida: to drag Molinete: windmill, grapevine
Boleo: (Voleo) whipping action Mordita: bite, sandwich
Cadena: chain, repeated movement Ocho: figure eight
Calesita: carousel, circular movement Ocho Cortado: cut, or interrupted figure eight
Cadencia: transfer of weight with no step Parada: a stop
Caminata: continous walk Pasada: pass over, woman stepping over mans foot
Carpa: tent position Practica: tango training session
Colgada: hung, shared axis turns Quebrada: break, corte’
Corrida: run Sacada: displacement
Corte: cut, sudden stop Salida: exit, go out, first movement when starting the dance
Cruzada: crossing, with legs crossed Tanda: series of four or five dance melodies
Enganche: hooking action Traspie’: stumbling type movement
Enrosque: corkscrew Volcada: tent, tilt, leaning position
Entrada: entrance
Firulete: quick embellishment without interrupting movement
Freno: braking action
Gancho: hook
Giro: turn, circular movement
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